Fantastic Fives

A blog to keep you up to date with what's happening in our class

A guide to being in 5B (according to previous students!)


In preparation for tomorrow night, Acquaintance Night, I’ve included some information and tips from previous students. The tips in particular might give you a giggle!

A guide to being in 5B by the class of 2013


In Mrs. Bryan’s class there are certain things that will make you life easier. Such as: Try your hardest at everything, focus, be safe, have fun, listen to the teacher and peers, don’t talk when the teacher is talking, stay on task.

Digital Learning

In this class we are able to use many digital resources eg, lap tops, iPads. You must always be using them for learning though – and be ready to explain how it is helping you learn. Mrs Bryan gets really grumpy if you muck around. Never, ever leave a device on the floor.


Exhibition is a very exciting but hard time of the year. Exhibition is where we have to choose something we are interested in and then work in groups of two to five. Make sure that you are really interested in it because you have to write a letter to apply to do it, and you will get sick of it if it doesn’t really interest you. When you’re working on your topic you need to become an expert on it and work hard. Exhibition is about learning because you have to show the whole community and the whole school what you have learnt. Exhibition is also learning about an area that you haven’t explored yet. Make sure your activities are suitable for receptions to grandparents.

Hand Writing

For hand writing we use linked script, it is like cursive. First of all Mrs. Bryan gives you a hand writing lesson. In that lesson she gives a sheet that can help you practice more and get better. In a few weeks you are nearly an expert on linked script. Mrs. Bryan expects tails but if you can do linked script then she will expect that.


For homework we have to learn times tables and learn the words that you get from the spelling test. We also do Mathletics at least once a week, and reading every night.


The class of 2012 had an inquiry into micro finance. Their task was to make a stall and sell stuff and all of the money raised went to a micro finance organisation. They then had to make a presentation to the class about their chosen organisation. Someone found Kiva and they decided to loan money to people on Kiva. Kiva is a website to loan money to people in poor countries to buy products for their business or cattle to produce milk, eggs, bacon etc. When the loan is repaid we can lend the money to someone else. We have had loans to loads of different people. We have helped people in Bolivia, Peru and many more.

Maths strategies

In 5/Bryan’s class we learn lots of maths strategies including bridge through ten, rainbow facts and chunking. Mrs Bryan goes through all of these maths strategies and some others with you. We practice them more until we’re ok with subtraction, addition, multiplication and division. You are invited to come to the floor for extra help if you need it. These strategies and skills have proved that they will help us further on in our lives.


Every week we do spelling. Every week we have a test on the words that we learnt the previous week. We do a pre-test and a post-test each time we do a test. We have to use the words in sentences to prove we know what they mean, even if it means looking the word up first. The sentences must be good quality and interesting and all start with a different word.

General tips for being in this class

During class always remember to be quiet when the teacher is talking

Listen to the teacher at all times

Don’t be afraid to share your ideas

Remember to hand in your work on time

Try not to get distracted by others.

Always be on task

Make good friends

Make right choices

Have fun!- It’s ok to have fun but just remember to work hard and keep on task.

Once you learn how to write with tails or do linked script, Mrs. Bryan expects it neat and if you don’t do it neat enough she will make you do it again at lunch time

Sometimes Mrs. Bryan throws awesome challenges at you but you have to do something to do with work. Like we had to make an advent calendar and we had to find out the math’s for it, so be prepared for anything

Go to the toilet at recess and lunch because sometimes Mrs. Bryan doesn’t like you to go during class because she likes it to be done at recess and lunch.

Always do your homework or she will find out.

The best tip is to always listen, keep calm and to always do your best for everything. If you slack off you won’t get a good mark at the end of the year.

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